Although in recent years we have come much closer to understanding rosacea, still much remains unclear. Including questions regarding provocative and predisposing factors. And sometimes the answers to them are surprising.
For example, at the end of last year, in one of the large-scale studies, coffee was rehabilitated, which for a long time was considered “forbidden” for patients with rosacea delicacies. It turned out that this drink not only does not provoke, but also reduces the risk of rosacea. The most significant results were noted among the most ardent coffee lovers - for example, drinking four or more cups of coffee a day reduced the likelihood of developing rosacea by 23% compared with those who drank coffee less than once a month. However, only coffee with caffeine worked this way, decaffeinated drinks could not boast of such properties. This does not mean that you need to drink coffee in liters (especially hot), other studies still set the dose of just 4 cups a day as the top bar of its beneficial properties, however, patients with rosacea can still be given such pleasure.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world and also one of the most widely studied. Research has linked drinking coffee to reducing type 2 diabetes and liver cancer was well as increasing your lifespan. Now, recent studies show that drinking coffee may reduce your risk of developing rosacea.

Rosacea is a skin disorder that affects over 16 million people in the U.S. including President Donald Trump, former president Bill Clinton and Britain’s late Diana, Princess of Wales and her son Prince William. The late comedian W.C. Fields had audiences rolling in the aisles during the early part of the 20th century, but his bulbous nose was no laughing matter. The comedian suffered from an advanced case of rosacea.
Experts don’t know what causes rosacea, normally characterized by a pink or red discoloration of the cheeks. It usually affects fair-haired women, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Sometimes you’ll see tiny bumps that resemble acne or spot a spider web of blood vessels visible just under the skin. In extreme cases, it may involve thickening of the skin.
Because it can run in families, there is a possible genetic connection. The immune system seems to be involved in the inflammation of rosacea, and other autoimmune conditions such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis may accompany rosacea, meaning abnormal immune function may also be involved. Medications such as tropical anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics may reduce redness and inflammation, but there is no cure for the condition.
Many people seem to be able to reduce signs of rosacea by modifying their diet to avoid trigger foods.In the past, these foods were thought to include caffeine and spicy foods.

Now a recent study challenges the connection between caffeine and rosacea. In the Nurses’ Health Study 11, scientists found that drinking coffee helps vasodilation and acts as an immunosuppressant that decreases the risk of rosacea. They published their surprising findings in the Journal of the Medical Association (JAMA) Dermatology.
After analysing surveys from 83,000 women for over a decade, they found:
Those drinking four or more cups of coffee per day were significantly less likely to report a diagnosis of rosacea than those who drank little or no coffee.
Those drinking less than four cups of coffee each day were also less likely to have rosacea, although the protective effect was smaller.
Consumption of decaffeinated coffee was not linked to a lower incidence of rosacea.
Caffeine intake from other foods or beverages—such as chocolate or tea—had no impact on the likelihood of developing rosacea.
Experts say that while the study showed a positive link between drinking coffee and reducing the risk of rosacea, some people do suffer from heart burn, palpitations or tremors from a cup or two of Joe.
Last year two more studies appeared regarding risk factors for rosacea. The first of these was based on a study of data from the Korean National Medical Examination Database, which includes information on nearly 3 million people. An analysis of their health status over an extended period of time showed that the likelihood of rosacea (at least among Korean patients) increased in the case of the following metabolic disorders:
• with arterial hypertension (blood pressure> 130/85 mm Hg) - 1.2 times;
• with hyperglycemia - 1.38 times;
• with hypertriglyceridemia - 1.06 times;
• at a low HDL content - 1.51 times;
• with an increase in waist circumference (> 90 cm in men and> 85 cm in women) - 1.33 times.
The question remains how effective the correction of these parameters for the treatment of rosacea will be - the authors plan to answer it in their future studies. Be that as it may, these measures will obviously not be superfluous.
The second study is somewhat more controversial, but let's talk about it. Interest in the potential role of the blood group in the development of various diseases exists, perhaps, from the very moment of the discovery of ABO antigens, so they got to rosacea. Turkish dermatologists compared the incidence of various blood groups and Rhesus affiliation among 114 patients with rosacea and among 258 healthy volunteers. However, they failed to find any reliable dependencies. Although the authors still consider their hypothesis “interesting,” and the number of participants in the study is really small, so far everyone says that there is no connection between blood groups and rosacea.
Li S, Chen ML, Drucker AM, Cho E, Geng H, Qureshi AA, Li WQ. Association of Caffeine Intake and Caffeinated Coffee Consumption With Risk of Incident Rosacea in Women. JAMA Dermatol. 2018 Dec 1; 154 (12): 1394-1400.
J. Kim, B. Chung, S. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Park, S. Lee, M. Cho, H. Lee, K. Hong, S. Lee. Implications of metabolic status on the incidence of rosacea: a Korean nationwide population-based cohort study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Issue 9 September 2019, S232
Ozturk M, An I. Do blood groups play a role in etiology of rosacea? J Cosmetic Dermatol. 2019 Sep 5.